How to soothe your skin after an insect bite

How to soothe your skin after a tanning sting insect ?

Insects are pests that are not made to cohabit with humans. That's why, when they break out in your living space, you have to use every trick in the book to make them go away. If, in spite of everything, your techniques have been in vain and these insects have managed to bite you, you have nothing to worry about.

It is usually enough to apply natural products to soothe the skin to soothe an insect bite and avoid redness and itching on the skin.

5 natural ingredients to soothe skin bites’insects

Insects such as ants and mosquitoes are quite difficult to avoid in a house. No matter what devices or repellents you use, these pests can still find a way to invade you.

If you are bitten by a mosquito, a bug, or any other insect, you can treat yourself at home with natural products. So make sure you always have some of these products on hand, so you can use them when you need them. The ones we propose to discover in the following are the most effective against insect bites.

Bicarbonate of soda

Baking soda is one of the most effective natural products for reducing the effects of aging soothe an insect bite. This is why we are recommended to always have some at home. Indeed, in addition to being an ingredient used in certain preparations, baking soda is also a product with many virtues.

You can use it to relieve insect bites in just a few minutes. It can soothe redness and even itching. Thanks to this, it will also be able to prevent the appearance of skin rashes and help the effects of the bite to disappear more quickly.

So whether you have a bedbug bite or a mosquito bite, you can use baking soda to relieve pain and soothe the skin.

Baking soda

Lemon juice

Like baking soda, lemon is also a natural product that has many virtues. Thanks to its acidity and its antioxidant action, it can be used to whiten teeth, whiten nails, remove brown spots, or even to prevent the development of cancer soothe an insect bite.

You can squeeze fresh lemon juice and use it to gently clean the skin after an ant or mosquito bite. A few minutes will be enough for the itching to disappear, as well as the redness and the marks of irritation.

Lemon juice

The gel of’aloe vera

If you have a garden at home, we strongly advise you to plant some aloe vera shoots in it. This plant has many virtues for the health and to take care of the skin. Its gel allows, among other things, to give radiance to the skin, and helps to make certain imperfections disappear.

You can therefore use it for to soothe an insect bite.

For the use of this remedy, it is essential to have freshly collected aloe vera gel. You can put the plant in a cool place for a few minutes before extracting the contents, for a faster action. You can then spread it gently like an ointment and wait a few minutes to feel the effects.

Aloe vera gel

The essential oils

The therapeutic properties of essential oils are no longer to be demonstrated. They have become real essentials of traditional medicine, and allow to obtain a real satisfaction. You will be able to see it provided that you know how to choose the oils which are appropriate for each type of problem.

It is important to know that not all essential oils have the same properties and are not effective against the same ailments. So if you want to soothe an insect bite, the first thing to do is to find essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties.

This is precisely the case with lavender essential oil. It acts instantly on the area of the sting to reduce inflammation and make the redness disappear. We can therefore say that it is an essential oil to have at home at all times.

Essential oils

Cider vinegar

Finally, the last natural product of this selection is vinegar. This last one is present in all the kitchens and intervenes in the preparation of many recipes. Well, it turns out that it is also very effective for soothe an insect bite.

Cider vinegar is the one most often used, but if you have wine vinegar, you can also use it.

You should know that wine vinegar is more aggressive than cider vinegar. You must therefore remember to dilute it in a small amount of water before using it. You will need to soak a few compresses in it, and then apply them to the bites.

Thanks to the acetic acid present in the vinegar, this solution will succeed in soothing you in a short time.

There are several natural products whose therapeutic properties are recognized throughout the world. All those we have listed above are those that you can use in case of insect bites to soothe your skin and prevent the appearance of redness or pimples.