How to make a successful Charliebirdy vegetable garden

How to make a success of your vegetable garden ?

You would like to plant your own garden ? Fresh, homegrown vegetables are so much better than pesticide-laden supermarket vegetables. If you have a garden, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of a vegetable garden. Failing that, you could even do some planting on your balcony or rent a space in a community garden. In addition to quality and taste, your home-grown fruits and vegetables will bring you real satisfaction.

The success of growing your own food. But for a budding gardener, the big question is: How do you make your garden work? 

Plan your vegetable garden

First, it is better to plan your vegetable garden. The first step is to select the plants you want to grow. Then, make a plan of your garden to optimize your space.

Make sure your garden is in a sunny location and close to your garden hose’watering. Also consider the needs of the plants you choose, including soil, sun and water’water. Note their specifications so that you can water them correctly and promote their growth.

Install a garden shed for your equipment

Next, we recommend that you have a dedicated place for all your gardening equipment. If you are planning to start a garden, you should management of a vegetable garden, equipment will quickly accumulate. To keep them easily at hand, store them in the same place. And to keep them in good condition, store them away from the sun and humidity.

For example, in a corner of your garage.

If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you could install a dedicated shelter. Practical and waterproof, it will even allow you to store fragile plants in winter. So contact a metal garden shed manufacturer like find a model that will suit you.

Choose a size that fits your needs and available space.

Choose the right soil and spade it

Thirdly, the Prepare the soil for your garden is essential. Indeed, different plants need different types of soil.

In addition to selecting the right soil and substrate, also use the right fertilizers. They will help enrich your soil with nutrients and minerals.

In general, it is also advisable to spade the soil before planting. Turn over the soil to a depth of about 30 centimeters, to create a more favorable soil for growth. This action allows you to mix the dry and wet layers of soil, to make sure that the soil is not too dry’eliminate unwanted weeds and obtain a loose soil.

It also favors the’drainage and drainage of the’water.

Mark your plants and maintain them carefully

Then comes the time to plant. Whether you plant seeds (seedlings) or shoots, we recommend that you mark them. This way, you will know exactly which plant corresponds to each crop.

As a complement, Carefully maintain your crops, You can use it for your plants while they are growing:

  • Pull weeds as soon as possible to avoid damaging your fruits and vegetables.
  • Stay alert to pests that can damage or destroy your plants.
  • Quickly remove decaying plants, which could contaminate and rot your plants.
  • Prune and mulch your garden when necessary.

Respect your planting program’watering

Finally, to grow the best fruits and vegetables, it is essential to water them well. But be careful, you have to find the right balance between dryness and overwatering. Indeed, too much’Too much water will drown plants as easily as too little’water will make them burn in the sun.

It's all a question of dosage.

As a general rule, do not’water it no more than once a week’once a day, preferably early in the morning during hot weather. And skip the’watering s’it rained enough during the night to make the soil in the vegetable garden soggy.

In practice, direct your watering hose towards the roots, avoiding wetting the leaves. They are delicate and can be damaged by sunlight when wet. Only wet the soil around the stem to let the roots absorb the water’water.

C’is how your plants drink.