Health insurance: what makes the difference !
L’affiliation to the’In France, it is compulsory to be covered by one of the social security systems, and it allows you to benefit from the services of a mutual insurance company’a reimbursement of most of your health expenses up to 70%. However, the remaining 30% of the cost will not be reimbursed’s contracts are not covered by the European Union’If you are looking for health insurance, the complementary coverage by a mutual health insurance is highly recommended. This complementary health insurance to the social security system allows you to be more independent’To obtain a total coverage of the health insurance’Together or separately’part of your medical expenses not reimbursed by the health insurance company’administration.
Faced with the wide range of benefits offered by mutual insurance companies today, the choice can be very difficult’prove difficult. Here are some tips to help you select the health insurance plan that best suits your needs.
What’What makes’A health insurance will be better than a health insurance’another one ?
The subscription of’A mutual health insurance is a really useful approach to avoid the consequent expenses related to medical care, especially in case of’hospitalization. This type of’The insurance offer allows you to cover your health expenses through the annual payment of a premium’a premium of’insurance. However, there are several coverage offers on the market.
D’In general, health insurance is different from other types of insurance when’it perfectly meets your expectations and your budget. It is essential that this coverage can reimburse your health bills without exceeding their due dates. L’insurance offer’The insurance must also include the’All the branches of the Social Security for health.
L’The objective is to provide you with a complete service while offering you the best guarantee/price ratio.
A good mutual health insurance company also offers personalized services. For example, you will find in some contracts of’insurance and medical legal protection. This service consists of a tailor-made legal assistance in case of a dispute with a health care institution or a health care professional.
You can also benefit from different benefits such as’s assistance as a member of one of the social security systems is compulsory in France’advance on health care costs’funeral in case of death of a child’a loved one, insurance services’They will be able to provide home help and childcare services’animal or health insurance’children.
On the other hand, a good medical plan is one that has a minimum of two assets’an efficient customer service. Hospitalization company’The insurance company offering the best formula must be contacted easily and quickly. Its dedicated staff must be able to answer your questions and claims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It must also be able to offer you personalized advice.
Quality of life’Customer support is also measured by the quality of the service’easy access to your personal online space and your reimbursements via a dedicated user interface.
Choice of insurance’a health insurance: why go through a health insurance comparator?’insurance ?
To facilitate your research, you should compare the different formulas proposed by the insurance companies’insurance. N’Do not hesitate to use the insurance comparator’insurance on to find the right insurance health insurance The best health insurance for your needs and your budget.
Indeed, to choose the best mutual health insurance, you must necessarily take into account certain criteria and the research can be done on a regular basis’can be time-consuming and complex. C’This is why using an insurance comparator is so important’The choice of an insurance company remains a particularly wise decision. This online tool will facilitate your steps.
Better yet, it will allow you to have access to a wide range of services’a view of the world’With a quick comparison of all health insurances offered on the market.
With a quick comparison of’You can compare a wide range of health insurance policies’offers and play the competition. You can base your search on specific criteria. This way, you can quickly evaluate the content of each health coverage plan.
It will also allow you to’This allows you to obtain personalized quotes.
Easy to use and convenient, online insurance comparison services are available’Online insurance providers offer a variety of options to help you choose the best deals. Some platforms give you the possibility to Compare premiums, coverage and deductibles. Of course, you can also use different comparators to broaden your choices in terms of health insurance’health insurance companies.
In general, complementary health insurance companies’The insurance companies listed on the online comparators are selected according to their reputation and the quality of their services. Simply fill out a dedicated online form to find mutual health insurance plans that perfectly match your budget and needs. You This will save you time in your research, without leaving your home.
Choice of’a mutual health insurance: what are the guarantees to be privileged ?
It does not’is not easy to find a health insurance company a health insurance plan that perfectly meets your needs and budget. To facilitate this process, you should study the guarantees offered by each insurance contract. The choice of these benefits depends on various specific factors. This includes :
- l’health status
- l’age
- the beneficiaries of the health insurance (the contracting party, the spouse and/or the children)
- health habits (traditional generalist or specialized medicine, alternative medicine, etc.)…)
The chosen guarantees can depend on your profile. For example, senior citizens will mainly turn to important guarantees linked to the needs of the elderly’equipment’optical and’hospitalization. Indeed, the risks of’The risk of accident and health deterioration can strongly increase with the use of a mutual insurance’age. D’another côFor example, senior citizens will mainly look for high coverage related to the needs of their families’You can also choose insurance that provides good coverage for your medical expenses’orthodontics and dental care’optical.
As for young people, they will prefer to be covered’other branches of Social Security.
However, whatever your profile is, you can orient your choice of guarantees towards the’It provides essential coverage for all age groups’age. C’This is notably the case of the coverage of your optical expenses’hospitalization. This allows you to’to ensure your reimbursement needs when the expenses of a health insurance plan are not covered’hôThe amount of money you pay to the hospitals is significant. Of course, you can opt for other guarantees such as’Of course, you can opt for other guarantees such as :
- dental care (implants, prostheses, orthodontics, etc.)…)
- routine care (purchase of medication, examinations, specialist consultations, etc.)…)
- optical equipment and care
- dietetics
- alternative medicine (pedicure, chiropractic, osteopathy)…)
- treatments and prescriptions (vaccines, contraception, etc.)…)
However, you must be careful when choosing your coverage. It is particularly important to check the overruns’fees. N’Also, don’t forget to take into account your current expenses before subscribing to a health insurance plan.
What other criteria to consider when choosing a health insurance plan ?
In addition to the benefits, several factors can influence your decision when choosing a health insurance plan. For example, you must understand the characteristics of your insurance profile’insured. It should be noted that insurance companies offer different alternatives’Insurance companies base their benefits on the profile of their subscribers. The quotes offered can vary significantly from one policy to another’one insured to another.
During your research, you must consider your age, your profession and your family situation.
You will also have to evaluate your expectations in terms of coverage. For this, you need to consider your medical history, current medical concerns and family history. Indeed, the goal of this process is to understand your health needs and to find the best solution for you’anticipating possible future problems.
A health insurance policy also allows you to be insured’insuring other members of your family. These dependents can benefit from the same coverage. However, it is useful to consider their needs before signing your insurance contract’insurance.
Another decision factor: the reimbursement of your coverage offer. You must choose well your level of reimbursement. Insurers offer you different alternatives depending on your profile.
You must therefore find the rate of coverage that suits you best (100, 200 or 300%). The same is true for the reimbursement period for.
Note however that’a mutual health insurance may not cover certain types of care. The latter will of course be discussed in the next section the exclusions of coverage in your insurance contract’insurance. You should also find out about the waiting period.
It s’is the period during which the chosen benefits cannot be applied.